Thursday, August 16, 2007

Framing Completed

Dale inspects the framing job as the guys finish up shingling the roof. It must be over 100 degrees up there! Now we are just waiting on the windows to arrive... stay tuned.

Front porch Finished

The front porch is now completed and as solid as a rock. We are going to really enjoy the extra space.

Cricket on the Roof Completed

Here is the original roof before the "cricket" was created.

They tell me this is the technical term for what was created to ensure the correct flow of rain water off the roof and not into my kitchen.

This would be a "large" cricket verses a typical one used in the case of a unique chimney placement... is my understanding. You can see the constructed piece below.

Here is the finished product - sealed and with shingles. Even after several downpours we don't have any leaks. Yeah, it works!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Step 9 - Framing nearly done

The framing team nearly completed the job today.

The is the view of the north wall. You can kind of see the vaulted ceiling inside.

Here is the roof line today... tomorrow it should look quite a bit different. They will be creating the "cricket" to allow the water to flow off the roof like it should. Stay tuned!

Step 8 - Deck almost completed

The front deck is nearly finished. They just need to pour some cement for the step to sit on and the remaining portion of the rail. This is one solid deck...

Here's the view from another angle...

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Step 7 - Walls go up

The next to go up was the walls... this process only took one afternoon, and was quite interesting to watch. The girls managed to sleep through most of the hammering... until they began sawing off the roof overhang. Apparently that shook the house enough to catch their attention.

Wall 1 goes up...

What a mess! You can see missing over hang too...

Wall 2 and initial rafters go up after lunch...

Step 6 - Front Deck is gone

The front deck/step didn't take much to remove. It basically fell off the house. The new deck will be three times larger and much more stable! I don' t think those footings are going anywhere.